Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuakana/Teina Reading

One thing I love about having senior students in my class is providing them opportunities to tautoko (support) and awhiawhi (encourage) other students, especially juniors.  Something magical happens when you see seniors (tuakana) become the teachers of younger students (teina) when helping them to read.

Every Tuesday afternoon Room 19 and Room 9 meet in the library and select books to read to each other.  After our first session last week the feedback from the senior students was very positive.  They loved it!

I wondered around and took some photos of the tamariki reading together.  Maybe it's something you'd like to try in your class or in your school.  Give it a go!

Tuakana Teina Reading from Jaybz on Vimeo.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Anamei's take on honesty!

What is honesty?  Honesty is the best policy. 
Being honest is good because then everyone else will trust you and you will be trustworthy. 
When you tell a lie to someone you are also lieing to yourself. Lieing is bad because when you lie to someone they can actually take it seriously.
Remember to always tell the truth because lieing is not right.